SADOT - Federal Protection

When on duty and in uniform, SADOT employees are federally protected. This means they may not be harmed in any way, kidnapped, robbed, or used in any criminal activity.

SADOT vehicles belong to the federal government. They are not allowed to be shot or damaged intentionally or during any RP scenes. While on duty, SADOT personnel must always be in a department issued vehicle and are not allowed to drive any POV (personally owned vehicles) while in the course of their duties.

SADOT personnel are only allowed to go on and off duty at their HQ in Sandy Shores. Going on and off duty at any other location will be considered power gaming as it could be seen as misuse of their federal protection.

When SADOT are off duty they are not federally protected. They may not wear their uniform or drive government owned vehicles.

SADOT are responsible for towing and impounding vehicles for Police upon request. Citizens are not allowed to prevent them from doing this once these tasks are handed off to them by PD. Furthermore, if SADOT is towing a citizens vehicle, the citizen cannot attempt to steal it from them or prevent them from completing the impound as it is ordered.

Furthermore because SADOT is a government run job, SADOT personnel are not allowed to roll with any known gang members even when off duty. If they are found to be doing illegal activities, they can and will be terminated from their job.

Last updated