Random death match, or RDM, is a term used in role-playing games to describe when a player kills another player without any valid reason or role-playing events leading up to it. It is considered a disruptive and disrespectful behavior that can ruin the game experience for others. RDM is often against the rules of most role-playing servers and can result in bans or penalties. Some examples of RDM are:

  • Shooting someone who is in a safe zone.

  • Killing someone who is clearly not participating in the current round or scenario.

  • Killing someone for fun or personal gain without any in-character motivation or justification.

  • It can also be considered if you kill someone without giving them the proper time to react.

exp: pulling out your gun/knife to kill someone without giving someone proper time to react or just saying s few words then shooting/stabbing. you must give a 30sec to 1 min interaction.


VDM stands for Vehicle Deathmatch. It is a term used in roleplaying games (RP) to describe when a player intentionally uses their vehicle to harm or kill another player without any valid reason or roleplay justification.

  1. Intentional VDM:

    • Players are prohibited from intentionally using vehicles as weapons to harm or kill other players.

  2. Accidental VDM:

    • While accidents can happen, players are expected to exercise caution to minimize the risk of accidentally using a vehicle as a weapon against other players.

  3. Safe Zones:

    • Vehicles should not be used as weapons in designated safe zones. These areas are meant for non-combat activities.

  4. Roleplay Justification:

    • Any use of a vehicle in a way that might impact other players should have a clear in-character (IC) justification and be part of a roleplay scenario.

  5. Consent and Agreements:

    • Before engaging in any vehicle-related combat or activities that may result in VDM, players should obtain consent from those involved or have prior agreements established.

  6. Reporting Incidents:

    • Players should report any incidents of VDM to the server administrators through a player ticket, providing necessary details and evidence for proper investigation.

Last updated