
You cannot take any food, beverages, wedding rings, Marriage certificates phones, radios, ID cards, Or outfit bags.

Players Vs. EMS - EMS is federally protected. You are not allowed to interact with them in a negative way if they are on duty and in uniform.

Players Vs. Stores Criminals can use the option to use the shop keeper as a hostage. (it is up the criminal's discretion to use this rule) After the completion of the first register / safe then the 5-minute timer begins.

Players may only have 1 vehicle per 3 active PD during a robbery. This meaning if there are 4 cops available than you may have two vehicles during a robbery. If there are 7 you may have 3 however this is where it caps out. 3 vehicles per robbery is the absolute max that is allowed.

Players getting demands. Cops may not promise false demands. If you have a hostage and ask for free passage and no spike strips. Then PD must honor their demands. This does NOT mean you can make unreasonable demands. Such as "wanting a helicopter" or "wanting another hostage" are good examples even things such as "wanting a weapon" may be refused PD has the right to refuse demands if they feel it is needed. If PD still steps up spike strips handle this in character as much as possible. Only get staff involved if it is needed. If PD is blatantly ignoring a hostages life then please contact a staff member.

Torture important point to remember: Consent: All participants must give explicit and ongoing consent for Torture RP scenes. Realism and Sensitivity: Scenes should be realistic and sensitive to participants' comfort levels.

Private Setting: Keep Torture RP scenes private and away from public areas.

Respect and Boundaries: Respect each other's boundaries and avoid coercion. Moderation: Scenes should be moderated to ensure appropriateness. Communication: Open communication is essential for setting boundaries.

Reporting: Report any issues promptly for admin intervention. Discretion: Maintain privacy and avoid sharing Torture RP content.

Community Standards: Torture RP should align with server values and contribute positively to the RP experience. In this RP scene, participants are limited to a 30-minute duration, requiring cooperation from both parties.

Exiting the scene abruptly or repeatedly during it is not permitted. An exception to the rule is if someones starts a Torture Scene without consent. You are able to leave the scene however you MUST contact a staff member immediately. Additionally, if the participants wish, an admin can oversee the scene if available. This ensures a safe and controlled environment while allowing for immersive storytelling.

Last updated