
Robberies should not be conducted in safe zones (green zones).

Exemption: Scenes starting outside of the green zone and taken to the green zone (by fleeing the chase, etc.) are allowed to continue. If someone attempts to flee into a green zone to escape you. Please take video evidence and report it to a moderator.

You may access trunks with the proper RP, including situations such as:

Discovering an abandoned, unlocked vehicle. Lockpicking a vehicle and RP-Ing the vehicle robbery.

Initiation of a robbery, per gun fear and robbery rules. Note that you cannot force someone to take a vehicle out of a garage to access the trunk/vehicle.

You cannot take someone to an ATM to remove money, nor can you demand that they take items/cash from their org or house for a robbery.

When in a vehicle chase, whether by PD or civilians, you must completely lose the party pursuing for at least 2 minutes before putting your vehicle away. This does not mean just because you have a gap and they cant see you that you change vehicles instantly. Keep it realistic you may hide your vehicle for a moment until the person leaves the area.

You may not use friends/gang members as hostages. This mean you are NOT allowed to use friendly hostages in a robbery. This includes Gang members, Girlfriends, Friends, Wives or anything of the sort in a robbery.

This rule includes running from PD during banks/other robberies. This rule includes continuing to put your vehicle away, even if you're already at the garage area.

You cannot camp a location for the purpose of robbing them. Crime zones (drug locations, the black market, etc.) are included.

You cannot rob Police Officers of items labeled with “PD” anywhere in the name.

Rat looting/loot boxing is prohibited. You cannot rob people who were killed from a scene that you were not involved with. If someone is down and you roll up on them it is not fair to rob them.

You cannot go to the light to avoid a RP scenario. If you are killed in a shootout, you cannot go to the light to avoid being robbed. You CAN, however, go to the light if they are carrying you around with no clear objective. Members that are bled out or voluntarily leave an org cannot rob the org of its items or funds. Nor may the org rob the person after bleeding them out. Employees that are fired or voluntarily quit a business cannot rob the business of its items or funds.

You may not harass and constantly rob the same player. If you are caught constantly targeting a person to be robbed. This may result in admin action.

During an official Fire and Ice event. You may not rob any players or vehicles that are there. This does not include events hosted by in city players.

Last updated