
Metagaming refers to when a player uses out-of-character (OOC) knowledge to influence their in-character (IC) actions. This practice is generally considered inappropriate because it breaks the immersion and fairness of the roleplaying experience.

For example, if a player learns a piece of information about another character's background or plans through discussions outside of the game and then uses that information to their advantage within the game, it would be considered metagaming. This can disrupt the integrity of the roleplaying world and create an unfair advantage for certain players.

Metagaming can take various forms, such as using knowledge gained from online discussions, OOC discord channel, twitch, or any streaming platforms on information that the character wouldn't realistically know within the game world.

Being in a Discord call while actively engaging in RP within the city might be seen as metagaming. Unless you're in a call with staff discussing an important matter, it's best to avoid being in a call while participating in scenes or other RP activities. This ensures fairness and avoids any unintended advantages or disruptions to the RP experience.

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