Starting a Gang

Starting a Gang: There are some requirements for starting a Gang/Org/ MC. For starters your gang must have 4 active players to apply. The leader of the gang must have been flying in to the city 2 weeks prior. This does not mean you need 2 weeks worth of activity it just means you need to have been in city for at least 2 weeks. You must have a goal and territory in mind to start a gang as well that you can layout for the Criminal Director. You may not start a gang just because you want to be power hungry and shoot a lot. There should be an actual story reason as to why you wish to be be a Org. All members must respect rules and follow guidelines.

Activity: Your org must be active! If your Org is not active for 2 weeks you will receive a gang strike. If your gang is not active for an additional week you will receive a secondary strike. If for any reason after that time period there is not a change in activity. The gang leader will be talked to about disbanding the gang. These rules are more relaxed around holiday times. As we do understand people have lives and familes. If for anyreason a gang does need a activity break. They may submit a ticket to the Criminal Director to avoid being striked and so that staff is properly notified.

Membership: Your gang can have up to 10 members. However, during intense situations like robberies or Sliding up on rival gangs, You may only 6 members can actively participate. This ensures that actions are coordinated and manageable and to keep people from having big groups of 10 vs 5. If you are having beef with a gang and you go inside of their compound they may have as many members as they want inside of their area.

Hangarounds: You may only have 3 hangarounds. This is not stop gangs from taking everybody in the city. We want there to be other opportunities or people to look elsewhere or even starting themselves a gang! If half the city is in the same crew things could get boring pretty fast. To prevent this hangarounds are limited to 3.

Penalties: If any member of your gang breaks a server rule, the entire gang could get a strike! The leader of the gang is responsible for its members actions and making sure they stay in line.

If your gang gets 3 strikes, you'll face a week suspension. During this time, you can't engage in any gang activities. If you reach 4 strikes, your gang risks being disbanded or facing other serious consequences. So, it's crucial to keep your members in line. and make sure they understand the guidelines to the city. If you ever have a question please open a ticket and ask the Criminal Director.

Org Strikes (removal): Org Strikes Will Be Taken off after 3 months of time. This means if you were given 1 strike on July 1st it will be taken away in 3 months. Each strike has their own 3 month length.

Responsibility: As a gang leader, it's your responsibility to recruit trustworthy individuals and ensure they follow the rules. After all, their actions reflect on the entire gang. This does not mean you could be banned for your members actions. It does mean you could face in city consequences such as future unavailability from leading a gang or suspensions on gang activity in general.

Suspension: During a suspension, your gang can't engage in any activities together for 2 weeks. This includes going into engaging in/taking enemy territories, selling drugs, or any other gang-related activities. - Additionally, you must refrain from wearing gang colors, symbols, or using gang-related identifiers during this period.

Last updated