Gang vs. Gang Interactions Guidelines

Engage in realistic criminal activities like turf wars and smuggling. Do not just sit on your own land doing nothing the entire time.

Maintain a balanced RP environment by avoiding excessive violence or gratuitous behavior. At the end of the day we are a community do not involve OOC insults or any major toxicity into a scene. Some trash talk may be warranted in character but do not go overboard.

Role-Playing Boundaries: Respect comfort levels and communicate openly with all involved.

Community Guidelines:

Adhere to server rules and report violations to moderators for resolution. Never take it into your own hands and start yelling OOC at people.

Maintain open communication for feedback and issue resolution.

Specific Gang Combat Rules:

Identify Opposing Members: Only engage confirmed opposing gang members.

Kill On Sight (KOS): Allowed on gang territory with ticketed agreement. This is too ensure staff are aware both parties consent to a KOS so that people may not verbally agree then change around and make a ticket because they lost.

Forgetting Events: Characters must forget events leading to being flatbacked for 30 minutes.

Cooldown Period: Minimum 15-minute cooldown after gang conflict before further interactions. This means you may not purposefully interact with the players of a gang until the cooldown is over. This goes for both parties. If you accidentally show up to the same place you may both be there as long as there is no harmful interaction.

Content and Scene Development: Allow RP scenes to develop naturally without escalating every conflict to violence. This allows for greater scenes everyone can look back on and remember. We are a Roleplay over Gunplay city. If two groups decide to settle their beef by having the leaders fight then so be it. However not every interaction has to end in a firefight.

Shootouts: Non-response in a shootout should not result in a wipe; allow conflicts to evolve naturally. Do not constantly clear your rivals pockets everytime a shootout happens. You must remember at the end of the day real people did spend time getting things.

War Declarations: Declare wars through tickets with leaders, outlining terms and conditions. Wars are immediate KOS however must have a good RP reason to happen. All gang members must be able to be easily identified in wars everywhere they go. KOS however does not overwrite the Green Zone rules

Camping: You may not camp outside of a green zone and wait for a rival to come out to Kill/Press/Rob them. This is to stop unfair advantages when people are attempting to do quality of life actions. Green zones are in place for a reason.

Last updated