Gang vs Police

No stealing Items labeled PD when robbing an officer. This does not mean you can pocket wipe an officer however keep what you steal reasonable. No Stealing Emergency Vehicles of any kind PD, FIRE, or EMS. Keep toxicity out of roleplay! We understand that things may get heated and words may get said. However you will be held responsible if you go to far. There is no need to straight harass PD because you got caught. This can discourage PD from flying in. This does not mean you have to be completely friendly to the PD. You can still be upset and mean however use your common knowledge to know when too much is too much, If its some simple insults than theres no issue, However if you are going on and on and screaming and throwing out elaborate and offensive insults then there is an issue. Cops Play by the Rules: Just like in real life, police characters in the game must follow proper procedures and act within their role's boundaries. This keeps things realistic and prevents cops from unfairly overpowering criminals. If a cop is abusing his powers or equipment make a player report about it. Do not take it into your own hands and get yourself in trouble. This is only for extreme cases. If a cop is being rude to you or small things take it up in city with the sheriff or Internal Affairs. No Pushing Through: This rule prevents criminals from using their car to forcefully push through a blockade of police cars. Someone wouldnt realistically go through a blockade and harm police cars. Use actions such as turning around or maybe hitting a alleyway to prevent getting caught. This is for your own protection so that you dont accidentally VDM someone. Spike Strips: If police successfully spike strip a car and all 4 tires are blown out you are to pull over and find a new car. you wouldn't drive on rims for very long before the car breaks down. You must plan your next move whether is be running on foot or attempting to highjack another car. Violence should be the final step when interacting with PD. If pursued, the following vehicle may be used for pickup only, they may not interject with PD. Try to give chase in a vehicle and on foot before resorting to violence. Cop Baiting: Cop baiting is not allowed. No committing crimes directly in front of a police officer with the intent of a chase. This can included things such as firing your gun infront of an officer for a reaction. Purposely for no reason hitting an officers car or assaulting them with no probable cause. Things just because you are bored and want to be in a chase. Please use common sense we understand messing with the police can be fun. However doing unrealistic things and Baiting a cop can result in disciplinary action.

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