Business Rules/Guidelines

If you are a business owner, you are responsible for making sure the business is actively open and staffed. A business that never opens is useless in the city. We recommend that businesses be open during peak times when possible and require that businesses are open multiple times weekly.

The following applies to Police, Fire/EMS, SADOT, and player owned jobs.

If these departments are found to not be constantly active, the server staff will reach out to the head of the department to advise them that they need their department to be active.

  1. Once this has been communicated to the department head, they must immediately do the following

    1. Make contact with their department and advise them that they must be active to be in this employment

    2. Audit all members of the department and remove any who have not been in city as their department character in a week or longer without notifying their leaders.

    3. Take any and all steps to ensure that their department becomes active immediately

    4. Failure to maintain an active department can result in the department heads/owners being removed from their roles.

  2. If a person is removed from a department head/ownership role, they are disqualified from holding another ownership role or command role in any department unless approved by the Civilian Director.


Each business will have its own roles and private section within the Fire and Ice RP Businesses Discord server. It is the owners responsibility to make sure all their staff have the appropriate roles and if they are no longer employed, those roles are taken from them. This is done using the #role-request channel. Only people designated with the HR role of your business can request role changes.

Within the Fire and Ice RP Businesses Discord server, you can request additional channels for your business section. To do this, send a message in the #requests channel or open a General ticket in the main Discord server. Once of our staff will be happy to help you setup additional channels as you request.

You may not use a separate Discord server for your business without approval from the Civilian Director or City Director. If approved, a separate Discord server will be created for you by one of the Directors and you will be given full permissions in it. We will not do any management within this Discord. If you use a separate Discord, you must ensure that all of the Fire and Ice RP rules are followed in that as well.

Using a separate Discord for your business without approval will result in you being removed from said business.


You are able to request a business vehicle for your business. Vehicles must be purchased by you and be debadged. We have a talented team that can help you put a livery on it if it includes a template file for it.

Helicopters are able to be requested if there is a clear business need for it. A business need does not mean just faster transport. If you are approved for a helicopter, the following rules apply:

  1. You must ensure that the staff you certify to fly the helicopter are properly trained to do so.

  2. Helicopters are only to be used for official business purposes. They are not to be out to just take rides or show off.

  3. There must be at least one active EMS on duty on the ground in order for any business (including Police and EMS) to use a helicopter.

    1. This is because accidents do happen and we want to ensure that if they do, someone is able to come help.

  4. EMS and Police additions:

    1. EMS is only allowed to use a helicopter if there is one EMS member on the ground. If you are a solo EMS on duty, you are not allowed to use a helicopter even if it means a patient cannot be reached.

    2. Police are only allowed to use a helicopter if there are a minimum of 2 separate ground units on duty and it is needed for an active scene.

    3. There is to be zero patrolling in helicopters. This may change as we grow.

    4. Any helicopter training must be scheduled in advance so that the proper staff can be online to cover if something happens.

    5. Violations of these rules will result in immediate removal from the job by the City Director staff regardless of what role you are in the department.


If there is a clothing pack you would like for your job, please open a Dev ticket and share it with the dev team. If the clothing pack is approved, you will be responsible for purchasing it. Clothing packs will only be added to the city at certain times due to limitations and how it affects all of the clothing numbers for everyone when a new pack is added.

We have acquired many job clothing packs already so please go through the clothing already available before requesting a new pack be added.

Last updated