
When interacting with a staff member, please keep the following in mind:

  • Staff disrespect is not tolerated. We are all adults here and being argumentative and/or hot-headed with staff for any reason will not be tolerated. Staff are here as volunteers but they are also here to RP as well

  • Do not contact server staff through DM in Discord. If you need to contact a staff member about something city related, open a ticket.

  • In RP (In-Character): Staff members act as regular players, following server rules and engaging in roleplay without using their staff powers. They maintain their character's integrity and interact like any other player. Do not approach a staff member when they are in character to discuss out of character items. This would be considered FailRP. Treat staff members as you would any other citizen in the city.

  • Out of RP (Out-of-Character): Staff members handle administrative tasks, enforce server rules, and resolve disputes. They do not let their staff role influence their in-game interactions or give themselves advantages. Each Director has a special admin character they use when in city. The only time it is appropriate to go out of character with a staff member is when they are on these characters.

  • High Standards: Staff are held to higher standards than regular players in RP servers. If you find any staff member that is breaking rules or abusing their admin powers, please open a player ticket and ask to speak to the server owner in private. Once the server owner acknowledges this and agrees, this is the only time it would be appropriate to DM a staff member.

  • Fairness: If you feel a staff member is unfair, report it with evidence like video or multiple incidents showing abuse of powers.

  • Personal losses or feelings without proof of abuse can't be addressed. We take fairness seriously and investigate reports thoroughly.

Last updated